Become a Reviewer

If you have been a reviewer in previous years, you may have already received an email invitation to be a reviewer this year from with the subject ITherm 2025: Paper Reviewer Registration

  • If you received an invitation email from ExOrdo, and you wish to accept:
    • Follow the Yes, I accept the invitation link in the email.
    • Select Choose your topics or View your profile on the My Reviews card.
    • Fill out your Reviewer Profile.
    • Select which Track(s) you would like to be a reviewer for.
    • Select which Topic(s) fit your area of expertise (if you are unable to select topics, make sure you have selected at least one Track in the previous step).
  • If you were a reviewer last year and have NOT received an invitation email from ExOrdo:
    • Please check your Junk/Spam folder for the email.
    • Consider adding to the known address list in your email client.
  • If you were not a reviewer last year or cannot locate an invitation email:
    • You will need to fill out a “New Reviewer Solicitation Form”. This form will be made available soon.