Nomination deadline: March 11, 2025

The ITherm 2025 Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the Richard Chu Award for Excellence in Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Management of Electronics, formerly known as the ITherm Achievement Award. This award, instituted in 1996, had been presented biennially in recognition of significant contributions made in thermal and thermo-mechanical aspects of electronics devices and systems. Following IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (EPS) Board of Governors approval of an annual ITherm Conference, it is now awarded annually. The Award has been re-named to honor the late Richard Chu, the first recipient of the ITherm Achievement Award, and a seminal contributor to thermal management of electronics.

The Award, to be presented during the 2025 ITherm Conference, includes a memento, a plaque, and a $1500 honorarium. Conference registration, and two nights of lodging will be complimentary. The recipient is expected to present an Invited Lecture on a topic of relevance to the conference themes.

The selection criterion and required nomination materials are detailed below. Nomination packets should be submitted by March 11, 2025 to:

The sole selection criterion for the award is seminal contributions to the science and art of thermal and/or thermo-mechanical aspects of electronic devices and systems, as demonstrated by archival publications in prestigious journals, patents, or other groundbreaking achievements. Service and societal activities, although relevant, will not be major considerations for selection. IEEE-EPS membership is encouraged but not required. A list of past recipients is available at:

The nomination should include:

  1. A two-page letter from the nominator summarizing the nominee’s qualifications,
  2. Up to three letters of support (a minimum of two are required),
  3. A detailed curriculum vitae.